Your studies: top three places for assessment support

Woman studying with laptop and notebook

With so much to remember at this time, we’re going to keep this as straightforward as possible. Below you’ll find three of the top places to go for support with your assessments. You won’t need to know everything for your assessments but knowing about these pages may help.

Student Hub: Exams and assessments

There is a section dedicated to exams and assessments here on the Student Hub. In this section you can find out about handing in work, sitting an exam and getting results. To help you prepare, you can even access past exam papers. You can also look into reasonable adjustments for long-term conditions that may affect your learning. It is worth considering whether you might be entitled to support, especially if you’ve had support in the past, such as exam arrangements at school.

Skills Hub: Revision and exams

You may have already used the Skills Hub to help with reading strategies, notemaking and critical essay writing, but you’ll find further guidance to help you prepare for assessments. The revision and exams section of the Skills Hub has recently been updated to support you with online exams. In this section you’ll find advice about planning and using revision time effectively, revision strategy and memory techniques, exam writing techniques, using lecture recordings, time management and more.

You may not be sitting an exam in typical conditions but you do still need to prepare. If your assessment has changed from a timed exam to one where you have longer to submit your answers (e.g. 24 hours) you may not need to memorise specific information to the same extent but it is still important to develop an in-depth awareness of the topic. You will not have enough time when you receive your assessment questions to produce good quality answers if you are starting the process from scratch.

Canvas: Academic Skills Resources / Submission and Feedback

On the Academic Skills Resources Canvas site, you’ll find a revision and exams webinar along with worksheets and videos to help with time management. With so much going on at the moment, it can be difficult to fit everything in. To help you manage your time, try prioritising tasks by making a priority list – you’ll find a priority list template on the Canvas site. You will also find guidance on how to submit your work along with accessing feedback and marks.

We hope that the resources above will help you to manage what can be a stressful time. Remember that the Student Life Centre is there to help if things start to get too much and you can find further resources to help you to look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Image by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

See more from 19 April 2021