Sussex has 10 academic Schools, each belonging to a Faculty. Find contact details for your School of study.
Faculty of Social Sciences
- School of Education and Social Work
Education and Social Work contacts
The Faculty of Social Sciences reception hub, Essex House
+44 (0)1273 877888 about the School of Education and Social Work (internal pages).
Includes the departments of Education and Social Work.
- School of Global Studies
Global Studies contacts
The Faculty of Social Sciences reception hub, Essex House
+44 (0)1273 877540 about the School of Global Studies (internal pages).
Includes the departments of Anthropology, Geography, International Development and International Relations.
- School of Law, Politics and Sociology
Law, Politics and Sociology contacts
Room G41, Freeman Building
+44 (0)1273 678655 about the School of Law, Politics and Sociology (internal pages).
Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine
- School of Engineering and Informatics
Engineering and Informatics contacts
Room Chich 1-002, Chichester 1
+44 (0)1273 678195 or 678048 about the School of Engineering and Informatics (internal pages).
- School of Life Sciences
Life Sciences contacts
Room 3B12a, John Maynard Smith Building
+44 (0)1273 678057 about the School of Life Sciences (internal pages).
- School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences
Mathematical and Physical Sciences contacts
Room 3A20, Pevensey 2
+44 (0)1273 873133 about the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (internal pages).
Includes the departments of Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy.
- School of Psychology
Psychology contacts
Pevensey 1 2E1
+44 (0)1273 876638 about the School of Psychology.
- Brighton and Sussex Medical School
Brighton and Sussex Medical School contacts
Room 2.18, Medical School
+44 (0)1273 877895 or 876586 about Brighton and Sussex Medical School.
University of Sussex Business School
Room G08, Jubilee building
+44 (0)1273 872668
More about the University of Sussex Business School (internal pages).
Includes the departments of Accounting and Finance, Management, Strategy and Marketing, and Economics as well as SPRU (the Science Policy Research Unit).
School of Media, Arts and Humanities
School of Media, Arts and Humanities Office, Arts A07
+44 (0)1273 678001
Includes the subjects English, History, Art History, Philosophy, Media, Film, Music, Drama, Journalism and Language Studies.
More about the School of Media, Arts and Humanities (internal pages).
Other academic departments
You might also need to contact one of these departments.
Sussex Researcher School
Falmer House
+44 (0)1273 877767
More about the Sussex Researcher School (internal pages).
Foundation Years office
Room B150, Arts B
+44 (0)1273 877826
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