Find support and guidance for every step in your career planning.

How we can help you plan for your future

Whether you’re not quite ready to think about your career yet, or have a career in mind but arent sure how to get there, we can support you.

Select the statement that applies to you

Try thinking about the stage you are at with your career planning by selecting the statement that applies most to you below. 

Further help and advice

If you need careers advice you can book an appointment with one of our careers consultants via CareerHub. 

You can also talk to a member of the careers and entrepreneurship team by:

  • visiting the Student Centre Welcome desk, 8.30am-5pm, Monday-Friday
  • calling 01273 075700, 10am-4pm, Monday-Friday
  • contacting us with your enquiry.

You may also want to: 

  • take part in our programme for undergraduate students – Career Lab – where you can develop your skills and experience
  • join a careers event – we have in-person and online careers events throughout the year.

See more from careers
