Find out about your student ID card, where and when to collect it and what to do if you lose it.

About your student ID card

You should carry your student ID card with you whenever you’re on campus or at a University event. It’s the size of a credit card.

It’s the card you use to access the Library and is required identification for sitting exams.

Your student ID card has several identifiers and is unique to you, so don’t lend it to anyone else.

Elements of your ID card

Your ID card contains your:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • photograph
  • registration number
  • candidate number
  • person code
  • barcode number.

It also outlines whether you’re full-time or part-time, your level of study and the valid dates of your ID card.

Select the image to view it in a separate tab.

A visual representation of a Sussex student ID card

It’s not a student discount card

Your Sussex student ID card is not the same thing as the TOTUM card you get as a member of the Students’ Union or an ISIC card.

Online Distance Learning

If you are studying remotely as an Online Distance Learning student, you won’t automatically receive a student ID card.

If you want to visit campus or access on-campus services, email your Student Success advisor to request a student ID card:

Getting your student ID card

You need to collect your student ID card in person to confirm your attendance. You won't receive any funding until you've done this.

If you don’t collect your ID card by 5pm on Wednesday 18 September 2024, your student funding may be delayed until after teaching starts on Monday 23 September. Funds are usually released within three working days of card collection.

All in-person collections will take place at Bramber House. There will be signs to help you find out where to go.

ID card collection is organised alphabetically based on the first letter of your surname.

DateTimeWho can attend
Friday 13 September 10am-4pm All students
Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September 10am-3pm
Monday 16 September 9am-5pm Surnames A-H
Tuesday 17 September Surnames I-Q
Wednesday 18 September Surnames R-Z
Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September 9am-5pm All students
Monday 23 to Wednesday 25 September 10am-4pm

Additional drop-in sessions

There will be additional drop-in sessions at the Student Centre. These take place on Thursday 26 and Friday 27 September, 9.15am-4.30pm.

Make sure you collect your ID on the correct day.

If you're getting a visa

If you have a student visa, we will issue your student ID card and biometric residence permit (BRP) after confirming your registration at an in-person registration session.

If you are on a different visa, we'll make arrangements for you to collect your ID card once your registration status has been confirmed.

Getting a replacement student ID card

To get a replacement card, contact the Print Unit.

If you decide you want a different picture on your student ID card, a reprint costs £10.

Lost, stolen or damaged cards

If you lose your card, or think it has been stolen, you should email

You’ll have to pay a replacement card fee for lost or damaged cards. You won’t be charged if your card was stolen and you can provide a crime reference number from the police.

Transferring to a new course

If you transfer to a new course with a different end-date, you’ll need to replace your card. You won’t be charged for this.

Withdrawing from a course

If you temporarily withdraw from your course, you can keep your student ID card, but you must inform the library membership services. When you return to Sussex you must get a replacement card which shows the new end date for your course. You will not be charged.

If you are studying at Sussex with a visa, see how changes to your course of study may affect this.

See more from When you arrive