Check when and where your exams will be and what the rules are.

Questions about your exam paper format

You can view past papers online to help you revise.

Speak to your School if you have any queries about the rubric and structure of an exam paper.

Helping students in exams

If you’re a PhD student, you can earn some extra money working as a scribe or reader on a casual and part-time basis during assessment periods.

The job involves attending exams and writing or typing the answers given by students who are unable to do this themselves. You’ll be given guidance on this.

The posts are advertised at certain times of the year. Find jobs through Careers and Entrepreneurship.

If you would like more details about these posts, email Jane Ellis:

Looking out for each other

If you’re worried about sitting an exam, or are concerned about someone else who is due to take an exam, support is always available.


University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)

You can find your nearest UCAT test centre on their website.


Check the regulations around exams and assessments.