Find out about part-time work on and off campus and places to work over the summer.


You can see part-time job vacancies on and off campus and get more help and support. 

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Part-time work 

Working while you study, or during the summer vacation, is a great way to earn money and gain experience. 

Working hours

We recommend that you work no more than:

  • 15 hours per week during term time if you are an undergraduate
  • 20 hours per week during term time if you are a postgraduate.

Any hours worked over this could have a negative impact on your studies. You can generally work full time outside of study periods. 

If you are an international student find out how many hours you can legally work, visa requirements for working while you are studying and working after your studies

How much you can earn 

We will only advertise part-time jobs where the employer offers the National Living Wage. Where possible we encourage employers to offer the Brighton Living Wage.

If you are struggling with money the Student Centre can offer money advice including how to budget.

Income tax and national insurance

If you do paid work you will have to pay tax and National Insurance contributions. You need a National Insurance number to work in the UK.

Most students are likely to earn less than their personal tax allowance, so you may need to claim a tax refund if you have overpaid. 

Try the UK tax and salary calculator to work out your net salary and how much tax and National Insurance you should pay based on your income.

If you are a UK or international student and dont have a National Insurance number you can apply online.

Find out more about income tax and national insurance.

If you are an international student and believe you have overpaid tax, you can make a claim by completing a P85 before you leave the UK.

How we can support you

You should apply directly for jobs that interest you and we can give you support in making the best application that you can. 

We offer application and CV workshops, help preparing for interviews and one-to-one sessions with a career consultants. You can book these using CareerHub or see our tips for applying for a job.

Code of practice 

Employers advertising part-time jobs through us will have agreed to our Code of Practice for Students which means they offer paid work with appropriate hours and good job conditions.

If you have any concerns about employers advertising with us, email

Your employment rights

It is against the law for an employer to discriminate against you when applying for jobs or in the workplace. Find out about your employment rights.

Stay safe while applying for jobs

Important: If you receive any unsolicited emails from employers which concern you do not reply and contact the Careers and Entrepreneurship team at Never give out personal financial details until you have been through a genuine recruitment process and are happy with your employer.

Find us on Canvas

Our Canvas site contains lots of advice on careers, including part-time jobs, CVs and applications, internships and experience, graduate work, interviews and making career choices.

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