Careers and Entrepreneurship recognises the diversity of Sussex students and graduates and is committed to addressing their individual needs regardless of race, religion, gender, disability, marital status, social class, age or sexual preference.

Our commitment

  • Promote equality of access and treatment within education, employment, training and guidance.
  • Challenge all forms of unlawful discrimination.
  • Encourage all Sussex students to utilise and develop their talents and skills to the full.

Our staff

  • Comply with Equal Opportunities legislation.
  • Promote equality of opportunity where appropriate.
  • Support both non-traditional and traditional careers.
  • Refuse to distribute materials which do not conform to the spirit of this statement.


The head of careers and entrepreneurship will:

  • ensure that policies and procedures within the office are up-to-date and monitored on a regular basis and that appropriate training needs are met
  • ensure our staff deliver and promote the equality and diversity statement.

How we can support you

We can offer:

  • one-to-one appointments for students and graduates who are care leavers or who have long-term conditions and/or disabilities
  • information and guidance on your rights in the workplace 
  • resource listings for diversity schemes, events and groups for underrepresented groups.


We offer extended one-to-one appointments for care leavers and those with long-term conditions and disabilities. These appointments can be booked by students and recent graduates. 

You can email the Careers Consultant for your School to arrange an appointment. Appointments can be used for anything careers-related, including informing an employer about a disability. 

For general questions and support, you can also contact:

  • Helen Gorman (disabilities and long-term conditions e.g. learning disabilities, autism and mental health)
  • Vicky Raynard (careleavers)

Additional support

If you are a second, third or final year undergraduate student, you are eligible to apply for a Career Lab UK summer internship or the Online Global Summer Internship Programme which are paid internships exclusive to Sussex students.

We also run workshops where you can find additional support in your career planning: Career Lab and the Students' Union's Career Equity Project

Accessibility and visiting us

Our services operate from the Student Centre. This is accessible to all. It includes a lift to the top floors, accessible toilets and a changing place. If you have an appointment booked, ask at the Welcome desk and you will be told which room to go to.

If you have concerns about the accessibility of an area, email


If you feel you have been discriminated against or you wish to make a complaint, your first step is to contact Emily Huns, head of careers and entrepreneurship: