Let us know if there is a fault or issue in your accommodation or your building.
Who to contact
Repairs, maintenance and cleaning
If something needs fixing, we missed a cleaning round or you think there are pests in your building, the first thing to do is tell us.
If you live on campus in:
- Brighthelm, email SwanBrigNorw@sef.fm
- East Slope, email EastSlope@sef.fm
- Lewes Court, email LewesCourt@sef.fm
- Northfield, email Northfield@sef.fm
- Norwich House, email SwanBrigNorw@sef.fm
- Stanmer Court, email StanmerCourt@sef.fm
- Swanborough, email SwanBrigNorw@sef.fm.
If you live off campus, in University-managed accommodation, email offcampus@sef.fm.
If you’re renting in the private sector, check your responsibilities as a tenant.
Construction complaints
If you have a concern about the impact of building works:
- email bettercampus@sussex.ac.uk.
Wifi problems
Wifinity issues escalation process
To report issues with wifi in your accomodation, contact:
Level 1: Wifinity service desk
Tel: 020 8090 1290 / Email: support@wifinity.co.uk
Wifinity support page
Level 2: Building manager
Contact the appropriate representative for your on-campus accommodation block - see list in ‘Repairs, maintenance and cleaning’ section above.
Level 3: IT Services
Include your case number from Wifinity and your campus residence.
IT support portal.
Note: You must provide a Wifinity Case number when contacting your Building Manager and/or IT Services
To report issues with wifi in teaching spaces, like the Library, contact:
- IT support by raising a ticket through the IT Support Portal.
Next steps
Once you have told us about your problem, we will aim to sort it out as soon as possible. Response times depend on the nature of the issue being reported.
If you are unhappy with how we have handled your problem, you can make a complaint.
If your complaint relates to:
- repairs and maintenance
- cleaning
- pest control
email your building manager – see a drop-down list of Residential Building Managers.
Your building manager should get back to you to help resolve your complaint.
If your complaint relates to:
- room allocation
- housemate behaviour
- your tenancy agreement
email housing@sussex.ac.uk.
This step is known as an early resolution, or Level 1, of the University complaints procedure.
After your maintenance issue has been resolved, you can request a rent rebate. This must be done within 30 days of your issue being resolved. Any rebate given will be according to the Rent Rebate Policy [DOC 24KB].
If we need to investigate
In the unlikely event you’re still unhappy, you can ask for your complaint to be investigated further.
You can do this by following the investigation stage (known as Level 2) of the University complaints procedure.
Who runs accommmodation
Our University-managed accommodation is run by Sussex Estates and Facilities (SEF) – see detailed information about residences run by SEF.