Explore the graduate opportunities open to you from your final year at Sussex – and onwards.

How we can support you after Sussex

The Careers and Entrepreneurship team are here to support you for up to three years after you graduate: it’s not too late to use our services.

Finalist workshops

Look out for a range of online and on-campus careers workshops designed to support you to feel confident as you prepare to leave university.

Accessing CareerHub after you graduate

Your student CareerHub account closes when your course ends (end of June for undergraduates). Your graduate account opens automatically, and you will receive login instructions to your personal email address, as you will lose access to your Sussex email. If you did not receive the email, or have a new personal email address, contact us at ch.sysadmin@sussex.ac.uk.

Up to three years after graduation, you can continue to use CareerHub to access resources, opportunities, and job vacancies – including graduate roles.

One-to-one appointments after you graduate

As a graduate, you can also still book appointments with our Careers Consultants or members of the Entrepreneurship team. Log into your graduate CareerHub account and select the appointments tab to book a one-to-one phone, Zoom, or on-campus appointment with a consultant of your choice. Appointments are available over the summer period, and you can also book appointments at any time throughout the year for up to three years after you graduate.

Support for international students

If you are an international student, try our job portal Student Circus. You can browse through the job listings that sponsor the Skilled Worker visa, internships, and placements. You can also access the Career Ignition Hub, an eLearning portal that contains step-by-step tutorials to help you launch your UK career. It features expert videos, quizzes, and worksheets, templates and resources.

You can also see our tips for finding a job after studying in the UK.

Your employment rights

It is against the law for an employer to discriminate against you when applying for jobs or in the workplace. Find out about your employment rights.

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