Get essential information for your studies and find out about social activities, career events and other opportunities available to help you make the most of your time at Sussex.

How you will get information from us

Making the most of your time at Sussex

  • Video transcript

    [Video shows Digital Media Creator Liv talking to camera]

    Don't miss out on any opportunities as a Sussex student.

    Find out about the huge range of things you can do here at Sussex to make the most of your time here, including ways to have fun, activities to help you reach your full potential, study options, support for careers, money, your wellbeing, and many, many more.

    Read the weekly Student update email for essential information on the week ahead.

    It is designed to help you excel in your academic and student life.

    Experience Sussex! is your online magazine to help you make the most of your time here at Sussex.

    It comes out every two weeks during term time, and each edition is packed full of opportunities, such as competitions, events, ways to make friends, your wellbeing and career support.

    Check the Student Hub website for the latest news and events. It is also where you can find lots of useful information.

    And remember to download the SussexMobile app on your smartphone for easy access to your Sussex email, library loans, timetable and more.

The Student Hub

The Student Hub is our website for current students and your first point of information.

If you have any questions about the University, from how to get a letter for your bank, to where a building is or how to find a job, check the Student Hub for advice.

You can also read the latest student news stories and see events listings.

You can give feedback on the Student Hub and tell us if there’s something missing.


Canvas is your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) containing lots of information for your course, weekly module content and links to reading lists.

Canvas sites and pages are managed by staff in your School. You can speak to a member of staff in your School office if you have a question.

My Sussex

My Sussex is a help tool designed to offer you additional support throughout your time studying with us. 

You will find answers to frequently asked questions and be able to access additional information. If you have further questions, you can login with your Sussex username and password and contact our teams directly. 

You will also be able to book on to events, see any appointments you have with support staff, and view all your current and past enquiries.


It’s important to check your Sussex email inbox regularly and read any messages. Find out why in this Instagram reel from Digital Media Creators Ezgi and Shriya.

You will also receive emails from staff within your School (such as your Head of School, Academic Advisor or Student Experience Officer) and other teams when relevant.

Your student update

If you’re an undergraduate or a Masters student, every Thursday you will receive an email from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education and Students) with essential information for the week ahead.

You can also read your weekly student update on the news section of the Student Hub.

Experience Sussex!

Experience Sussex! is the University’s online magazine designed to help students make the most of their time at Sussex. If you are an undergraduate or Masters student, Experience Sussex! is created for you. 

We publish an edition every two weeks during term-time, usually on a Monday, via the Student Hub, email newsletter and SussexMobile app tile. 

Each edition is packed full of articles, competitions, events, ways to make friends, social and cultural opportunities, and wellbeing and career support.

Student Blog

Your time at university is a great opportunity to make connections, form communities and develop as a person. But with so much going on, it can also be easy to feel a little overwhelmed. The Student Blog aims to help you feel understood, included, and supported, encouraging you to explore new opportunities and grow throughout your university journey.

The Student Blog is written by a group of students dedicated to sharing what they’ve learnt throughout their university experience. It is managed by a student and staff collaborative team as part of the Connector Programme.

Social media

You can find us on many Sussex social media channels.

We share content across a range of areas including student opportunities, campus events, research and involvement with our local and global communities.

We also use social media for fast updates if there’s an emergency.

The main social media channels are Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and TikTok.

SussexMobile app

The SussexMobile app gives easy mobile access to your emails and course timetables. It also details your library loans and reservations and provides useful links to your printing account, the staff directory, Skills Hub and more.

We strongly recommend that you download the app on to your smartphone.

Digital signs

There are digital signs in locations around campus, which feature updates and opportunities for students and staff.

It’s a good idea to check out the digital screen in your School reception for key updates and essential information.

Other sources of information

You can find out what’s going on locally and in the university sector in general.

The UK has a national media organisation called the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), funded by the government.

You can read local BBC news and national news online for free.

You can also watch BBC programmes on your television or using iPlayer on your computer – but you must have a TV licence.

Tip: As a Sussex student you can read the Financial Times for free. Just use your Sussex email address to activate your online account and you'll receive a message to set your password.