One World Week: Student Voices 2017
By: Tom Walters
Last updated: Wednesday, 1 March 2017
The International Student Support team are currently accepting entries for the 'One World Week: Student Voices' competition and exhibition which will be on display during One World Week 2017 (13-17 March) in Jubilee Atrium.
Sussex students of all nationalities are asked to email the ISS team their answers to three short questions (below) which they will then turn into large posters to be displayed as an exhibition during One World Week.
The winning entry will also be awarded a £100 shopping voucher of their choice!
The deadline for entries is midnight on Sunday 5th March.
Sussex is home to around 140 different nationalities, and the ISS team would like students from as many of those countries as possible to share their answers to the same three questions:
1. What are you most proud of about your country?
2. Tell us one thing which may surprise people about your country.
3. What surprised you most about life in the UK when you first arrived?
If you would like to enter the competition and be in with a chance of having your 'Student Voice' exhibited during One World Week, as well as possibly winning the £100 shopping voucher prize, then email your answers to the above three questions to by the deadline of midnight on Sunday 5th March 2017.
Don't forget to get creative and include photos, drawings, poems – in fact anything that could be printed on a poster – to make your answer come alive!