Try out a new society and log Spirit of Sussex Award points
Posted on behalf of: Student Communications
Last updated: Tuesday, 31 October 2023

Interested in getting involved in student societies at Sussex? Do you want to learn a new skill, uncover a passion or meet new people? The Spirit of Sussex Award are hosting a Society Taster Fair on Friday 17 November in Woodland Rooms, Student Centre from 5pm-7pm.
There will be a variety of taster drop-in sessions and workshops available to try out, all hosted and led by students! You can try out a whole variety of societies and speak with committee members. For each drop-in activity or workshop you complete, you can log 5 points towards your Spirit of Sussex Award.
What is the Spirit of Sussex Award?
The Spirit of Sussex Award is a Sussex initiative that celebrates your co-curricular and voluntary achievements. By taking part in different activities, such as part-time work, events or volunteering, you can gain points towards either a Bronze, Silver or Gold Spirit of Sussex Award which will be awarded at your graduation ceremony. You can read more about it on the Student Hub.
Book your place at the Society Taster Fair
Come along for our Society Taster Fair to learn more about getting involved with societies at Sussex, and log points for each activity you do.