Find out about Sussex Graduate Associates – a graduate programme open to students after an undergraduate or Masters degree.
About Sussex Graduate Associates
Some of our professional services departments recruit new Sussex graduates on a 12 or 13-month graduate programme. Job roles can vary depending on the department but will all seek to give you the necessary skills and confidence to apply for other graduate roles.
Vacancies can be advertised at any time during the year but will predominantly appear between March and July. All vacancies will be advertised on CareerHub and the Sussex jobs page.
As of January 2024, Graduate Associates will be appointed at point three of the Grade three salary scale. The time period for recruiting Graduate Associates is from 12 to 14 months.
Sussex Graduate Associates is open to Sussex graduates from an undergraduate or Masters degree. Each job advert will state which graduation year(s) is eligible for applications.
How to apply
You can apply for a job at Sussex using the online application form on the job advert page, and send it to our human resources (HR) department by email or post. See the current list of vacancies on CareerHub.
Skills and experience
You can use the skills and experience you have gained from your time at Sussex. This can include but is not limited to:
- your academic studies
- part-time work
- placements
- participation in societies
- study abroad opportunities
- internships
- volunteering.
Next steps
You can book a one-to-one meeting with a careers and employability consultant at the beginning and end of the scheme. They will help you to reflect on the employability skills you have developed and consider how you will communicate them to future employers.
You will also make a presentation to your department about your experience, detailing what you have learned and how it has changed you.