Find out how to apply for accommodation for this academic year.

Applying for accommodation

If you're still looking for accommodation, we have rooms available for academic year 2024/25.

Applications are open for current Sussex Students for the 2024/25 academic year.

Go to application form

Important: If you’ve already secured private sector accommodation for the 2024/25 academic year but would like to join our waiting list instead, check with your agent or landlord whether you can terminate your tenancy agreement without liability. Don't join the waiting list unless you have terminated your agreement.

Eligibility criteria

We'll need to check if:

  • you have a history of non-payment of rent owed to the university or any debt outstanding owed to the university
  • you have had more than one level 1 tenancy warning letter from the tenancy management team for a breach of university accommodation
  • you have received a level 1 or above disciplinary outcome in relation to regulation 2 - student discipline
  • any action (legal or otherwise) taken in relation to previous licence/tenancy breaches or student discipline including service of an NTQ
  • there is a risk that the allocation of a housing place would put your potential flatmates at an unacceptable risk of harm to their health and wellbeing. This can include, but is not limited to, behavioural incidents from a previous tenancy and/or risks of significantly and adversely impacting others
  • based on the evidence available, the University doesn't believe that it can reasonably put in place the adjustments required to meet your needs
  • we have reasonable belief that there may be other issues that may impact your ability to manage a tenancy in line with the requirements of the licence to occupy

Any offer of accommodation is provisional and is subject to a satisfactory criminal convictions check. You must make this disclosure so that the University can fulfil its safeguarding obligations for the benefit of all students.

Getting updates

We aim to allocate students who pass the checks within a few days. We'll update you if there is a delay.

See more from Accommodation for returning students