Use your degree to start your career planning. We've highlighted some career areas to think about, based on your subject area.
Using your degree to plan your career
Using your degree is a good place to begin, as you are building a range of skills and knowledge throughout your course. Employers will increasingly look for wider life skills, too. You can also use our sector guides to explore other job sectors not associated with your degree (most graduate opportunities are open to graduates from any degree discipline).
Select your subject area from the list below to see how to use your degree at the beginning of planning your career.
Select your subject
- Accounting and Finance
- American Studies
- Anthropology
- Art History
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Biomedical Science
- Business, Management & Marketing
- Chemistry
- Childhood and Youth
- Criminology
- Drama
- Ecology, Conservation & Environment
- Economics
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- English
- English Language
- Film
- Geography
Accounting and Finance
Look at career areas that might fit with your Accounting and Finance degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- accountancy
- actuarial and insurance
- banking and investment
- business and management functions
- management consultancy
- retail and fashion.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Accounting and Finance.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Tax Assistant
- Financial Analyst
- Financial Accountant
- Forensic Accountant
- Stockbroker
- External Auditor.
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Accountancy and Finance include ethical awareness and sensitivity, independent thinking, leadership, problem solving, self-confidence and teamwork.
American Studies
Look at career areas that might fit with your American Studies degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- teaching and education
- civil service
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- museums, galleries and heritage
- solicitor..
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in American Studies.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Business Development Executive
- Radio Producer
- Publishing Assistant
- PR Executive
- Editorial Assistant
- Broadcast journalist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from American Studies include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Anthropology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- international development
- politics
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Anthropology.
- Jobs related to your degree
15 months after graduating in 2019, 80% of respondents from Anthropology were in work or further study. 50% of those in work were in graduate jobs.
Jobs include:- Production Assistant
- Teaching Assistant (Special Needs)
- Charity Officer
- Local Government Officer
- Market Researcher
- Secondary school teacher
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Anthropology include flexibility, presentation skills, independent learning, organisation and time management, written communication and interpersonal skills.
Art History
Look at career areas that might fit with your Art History degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- teaching and education
- civil service
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- museums, galleries and heritage
- solicitor.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Art History.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Exhibition Assistant
- Fundraising Assistant
- Office manager
- Curator
- Conservator
- Heritage manager
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Art History include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Biochemistry degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Biochemistry. You can also use Next Steps - The Ultimate Careers for Bioscience Graduates, a downloadable booklet from the Society of Biology, Biochemical Society and British Ecological Society.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Clinical Trials Project Manager
- Laboratory Technician
- Secondary Science Teacher
- Academic Researcher
- Pharmacologist
- Biomedical Scientist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Biochemistry include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Biology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Biology. You can also use Next Steps - The Ultimate Careers for Bioscience Graduates, a downloadable booklet from the Society of Biology, Biochemical Society and British Ecological Society, and search for biology careers from the Society of Biology. Also see funded summer studentships for second years (mostly) in a range of bioscience organisations, via the Royal Society of Biology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Science Writer
- Associate Research Scientist
- Assistant Ecologist
- Marine Biologist
- Microbiologist
- Biotechnologist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Biology include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Biomedical Science
Look at career areas that might fit with your Biomedical Science degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Biochemistry. You can also use Next Steps - The Ultimate Careers for Bioscience Graduates, a downloadable booklet from the Society of Biology, Biochemical Society and British Ecological Society, and search for biology careers from the Society of Biology. Also see funded summer studentships for second years (mostly) in a range of bioscience organisations, via the Royal Society of Biology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Clinical Trials Project Manager
- Laboratory Technician
- Trainee Healthcare Scientist
- Biomedical Scientist
- Forensic Scientist
- Toxicologist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Biomedical Science include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Business, Management and Marketing
Look at career areas that might fit with your Business, Management and Marketing degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- accountancy
- actuarial and insurance
- banking and investment
- business and management functions
- management consultancy
- marketing, advertising and PR.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Business and Management or Marketing.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Digital Marketing Officer
- Consulting Analyst
- Corporate Finance Executive
- Business Analyst
- Data Analyst
- Project Manager
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Business, Marketing and Management include ethical awareness and sensitivity, independent thinking, leadership, problem solving, self-confidence and teamwork.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Chemistry degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Chemistry.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Product Performance Chemist
- IT Analyst
- Marketing Executive
- Analytical Chemist
- Medicinal Chemist
- Toxicologist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Chemistry include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Childhood and Youth Studies
Look at career areas that might fit with your Childhood and Youth Studies degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- teaching
- psychology
- public services
- international development
- civil service
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Childhood and Youth Studies.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Assessment and Planning Officer
- Residential Support Worker
- Nursery Nurse
- Early Years Teacher
- Primary School Teacher
- Social Worker
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into this area, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact charities, organisations and councils directly to enquire about work experience or workshadowing. Use the resources on our Social Work guide to search local organisations. Make speculative approaches.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Childhood and Youth Studies include thinking about ethical awareness and sensitivity, flexibilty, verbal communication, interpersonal skills, organisation and time management, and teamwork.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Criminology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- teaching
- psychology
- public services
- international development
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Criminology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Marketing and Communications Executive
- Policy Checker
- Service Delivery Manager
- Police Officer
- Prison Officer
- Crime Scene Investigator
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into this area, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact charities, organisations and councils directly to enquire about work experience or workshadowing.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Criminology include analysis and interpretation, intellectual debate, interpersonal skills, problem solving, research and self-management.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Drama degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- theatre and performing arts
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- teaching and education.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in performing arts.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Editorial Assistant
- Production Assistant
- Events Manager(Assistant)
- Marketing Officer
- Theatre Director
- Music Producer
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into the theatre industry, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact companies directly. Use the links listed on the internships and experience section of our Theatre sector guide, which includes Brighton-based theatres and festivals. Make speculative approaches. This is how many people get into the sector. Look for graduate internships in theatres and production companies. When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Drama include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Ecology, Conservation and Environment
Look at career areas that might fit with your Ecology, Conservation and Environment degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, Drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Ecology, Conservation and Environment. You can also use Next Steps - The Ultimate Careers for Bioscience Graduates, a downloadable booklet from the Society of Biology, Biochemical Society and British Ecological Society, and search for biology careers from the Society of Biology. Also see funded summer studentships for second years (mostly) in a range of bioscience organisations, via the Royal Society of Biology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Associate Research Scientist
- Assistant Ecologist
- Animal Keeper
- Environmental Consultant
- Nature Conservation Officer
- Amenity Horticulturalist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Ecology, Conservation and Environment include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Economics degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- accountancy
- actuarial and insurance
- banking and investment
- business and management functions
- management consultancy
- marketing, advertising and PR.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Economics.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Economist
- External Auditor
- Financial Risk Analyst
- Investment Analyst
- Risk Manager
- Stockbroker
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in finance and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Economics include ethical awareness and sensitivity, independent thinking, leadership, problem solving, self-confidence and teamwork.
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Look at career areas that might fit with your Electrical and Electronic Engineering degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- electrical, electronics and telecommunications engineering
- product Design
- IT, computing and data science
- food, drink and FMCG
- energy and utilities
- film and TV.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Graduate Electrical Engineer
- Research Engineer
- AV Technician
- Design Engineer
- Nuclear Engineer
- Sound Engineer
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Electronic Engineering include attention to detail, critical judgement, flexibility, independent thinking, problem solving and project management.
Look at career areas that might fit with your English degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- film and tv
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- teaching and education.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in English. After English also offers lots of career planning ideas for English graduates, from the HEA English Subject Centre.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Editorial Assistant
- Marketing Executive
- Social Media Manager
- Journalist
- Digital Marketing Officer
- Publicist
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into the arts sector or publishing, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact companies directly. Use the links listed on the internships and experience section of our Publishing sector guide, for example, which includes Brighton-based publishers. Make speculative approaches. This is how many people get into the sector. Look for graduate internships in theatres and production companies.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from English include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
English language
Look at career areas that might fit with your English language degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- solicitor
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- teaching and education.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in English. After English also offers lots of career planning ideas for English graduates, from the HEA English Subject Centre.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Digital Marketing Executive
- Account Executive
- Data Analyst
- Journalist
- Secondary School Teacher
- Copywriter
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from English Language include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Film degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- film and TV
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- theatre and performing arts
- museums, galleries and heritage
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Film. ScreenSkills - Starting your career also provides a useful guide to possible careers in the screen industry, including job profiles, career maps and building a portfolio.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- PR Assistant/Media and Communications Officer
- Radio Producer
- Video Editor
- Production Assistant
- Broadcast presenter
- Location Manager
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into film or television, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact companies directly. Use the directories and lists on our Film and TV guide to search for them based on location or genre. Research what shows or films are about to go into production. Make speculative approaches. This is how many people get into the sector.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Film Studies include teamwork, initiative, independent thinking, organisation and time management, verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Geography degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- international development
- politics
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Geography.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Apprentice Journalist
- Market Researcher
- Client Development Manager
- Environment Consultant
- Social Researcher
- Town Planner
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Geography include flexibility, presentation skills, independent learning, organisation and time management, written communication and interpersonal skills. The Royal Geographical Society has a guide for communicating your skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your History degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- teaching and education
- civil service
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- museums, galleries and heritage
- solicitor.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in History.
- Jobs related to your degree
Job roles have included:
- Data Insight Executive
- Marketing Strategist
- Junior Copywriter
- Museum curator
- Academic researcher
- Heritage Manager
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Languages include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Informatics degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- IT, computing and data science
- electrical, electronics and telecommunications engineering
- film and TV
- actuarial and insurance
- management consultancy
- business and management.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Computer Science.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Graduate Software Engineer
- Business Process Analyst
- Game Developer
- Developer
- Data Analyst
- UX Designer
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Computing and Digital Media include attention to detail, critical judgement, flexibility, independent thinking, problem solving and project management.
International Development
Look at career areas that might fit with your International Development degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- international development
- politics
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- civil service.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Education Co-ordinator
- Health and Policy Officer
- Role Model Project Assistant
- Building your skills and experience
Gaining experience before you graduate is crucial in this sector. This could be through volunteering with local charities, NGOs and not for profits or joining relevant university societies. Overseas experience is particularly valuable.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from International Development include flexibility, presentation skills, independent learning, organisation and time management, written communication and interpersonal skills.
International Relations
Look at career areas that might fit with your International Relations degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- international development
- politics
- social and welfare services
- charity and voluntary sector
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in International Relations.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Outreach for Domestic Abuse Victims
- Fundraising and Communications Campaign Officer
- Regulator Engagement and Legal Executive
- Policy Officer
- Public Affairs Consultant
- Political Risk Analyst
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from International Relations include flexibility, presentation skills, independent learning, organisation and time management, written communication and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Languages degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- teaching and education
- civil service
- international development
- HR and recruitment
- business and management
- environment.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Languages.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Exhibitions Assistant
- Language Assistant
- Multilingual IT Service Desk Analyst
- Academic Researcher
- Interpreter
- Translator
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Languages include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Law degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- solicitor
- barrister
- investment and banking
- civil service
- politics, social research and think tanks
- management consultancy.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Law.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Barrister
- Solicitor
- Paralegal
- Legal Assistant
- Junior Barrister Clerk
- Arbitrator
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to pursue a career as a solicitor or a barrister, you will need to gain work experience alongside your studies. Aspiring solicitors can apply for vacation schemes in their second year and aspiring barristers can begin accruing experience by doing mini-pupillages. Go to our solicitor and barrister sector guides for more information on gaining legal work experience.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Law include analysis and interpretation, intellectual debate, interpersonal skills, problem solving, research, and self-management.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Mathematics degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- accountancy
- actuarial and insurance
- banking and investment
- teaching and education
- IT and technology
- electrical, electronic and telecommunications engineering.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Mathematics.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Assistant Pricing and Planning Manager
- Telematics Analyst
- Data Engineer
- Sales forecaster
- Chartered Accountant
- Data Analyst
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Mathematics include attention to detail, intepersonal skills, data analysis and interpretation, motivation, numerical skills and teamwork.
Mechanical and Automotive Engineering
Look at career areas that might fit with your Mechanical and Automotive Engineering degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- mechanical, automotive and aerospace engineering
- product design
- IT, computing and data science
- food, drink and FMCG
- energy and utilities
- teaching.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Automotive Engineer
- Contracting Civil Engineer
- Graduate Research Engineer
- Software Development Engineer
- Mechanical Engineer
- Nuclear Engineer
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Mechnical Engineering include attention to detail, critical judgement, flexibility, independent thinking, problem solving and project management.
Media and Journalism
Look at career areas that might fit with your Media and Journalism degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- film and TV
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- theatre and performing arts
- museums, galleries and heritage
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Media and Journalism.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Runner
- Copywriter
- Media/Sound Technician
- Journalist
- Digital Marketing Officer
- Production Assistant
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into the media industry, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact companies directly. Use the directories and lists on our Film & TV guide or journalism guide to search for them based on location or genre. Research what shows or films are about to go into production or find out about local newspapers and specialist magazines/journals. Make speculative approaches. This is how many people get into the sector.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Media and Journalism include teamwork, initiative, independent thinking, organisation & time management, verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
Music and Music Technology
Look at career areas that might fit with your Music and Music Technology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- music, music technology and radio
- journalism
- marketing, advertising and PR
- theatre and performing arts
- museums, galleries amd heritage
- civil service.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Music and Music Technology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Sound/Audio Engineer
- QA Technician/Games Tester
- Junior Web Developer
- Music Producer
- Music Therapist
- Private Music Teacher
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into the music industry, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact companies directly. Use the local music promoters and labels listed on our Music sector guide, as well as Brighton-based community radio stations. Make speculative approaches. This is how many people get into the sector. Look for graduate internships in music companies.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from music and music technology include teamwork, initiative, independent thinking, organisation & time management, verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Neuroscience degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Use Neuroscience careers from the British Neuroscience Association, which includes a downloadable career guide for students.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Market Intelligence Analyst
- Science Editor
- Research Technician
- Neuropsychologist
- Psychologist
- Teacher
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Neuroscience include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Philosophy degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- teaching and education
- civil service
- publishing
- libraries and archives
- museums, galleries and heritage
- solicitor.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Philosophy.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Business Development Manager Researcher
- Researcher
- Market Intelligence Analyst
- Teacher
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Philosophy include critical assessment, written communication, independent thinking, motivation, problem solving and self awareness.
Physics and Astronomy
Look at career areas that might fit with your Physics and Astronomy degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- alternative science careers
- actuarial and insurance
- energy and utilities
- teaching
- IT, computing and data science
- electrical, electronics and telecommunications engineering.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Physics and Astronomy.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Performance Analyst
- Junior Developer
- Software Engineer
- Astronomer
- Geophysicist
- Nanotechnologist
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Physics and Astronomy include attention to detail, interpersonal skills, data and analysis, motivation, numerical skills and teamwork.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Politics degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Politics.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Civil Servant
- Compliance Assistant
- Legal Officer
- Policy Officer
- Public Affairs Consultant
- Social Researcher
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into politics, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact MPs or political parties directly about workshadowing or work experience opportunities. Get involved with local political parties and canvassing. Make speculative approaches.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Politics include analysis and interpretation, intellectual debate, interpersonal skills, problem solving, research, and self-management.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Psychology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- psychology
- civil service
- social work and welfare
- HR and recruitment
- marketing, advertising and PR
- charity and not-for-profit.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Psychology.
- Jobs related to your degree
15 months after graduating in 2018, 85% of respondents from Psychology were in work or further study. 64% of those in work were in graduate jobs.
Jobs include:- Assistant Psychologist
- Community Wellbeing Manager
- Mental Health Support Worker
- Clinical Psychologist
- Educational Psychologist
- Forensic Psychologist
- Building your skills and experience
Gaining experience with relevant client groups is key if you want to work as a psychologist and volunteering is a great way to do this. You may also be interested in voluntary (unpaid) psychology placements with the NHS, which are available with Sussex NHS Foundation Trust and the School of Psychology.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Psychology include analysis, autonomy and interpersonal skills, data analysis and interpretation, ethical ensitivity and awareness, research skills and self-confidence.
Product Design
Look at career areas that might fit with your Product Design degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- electrical, electronic and telecommunications engineering
- mechanical, automotive and aerospace engineering
- product design
- IT, computing and data science
- food, drink and FMCG
- entrepreneurship and startups.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Product Design.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Lighting Designer
- Pharmaceutical Technician Assistant
- Trainee CAD Technician
- Exhibition Designer
- Furniture Designer
- Product Designer
- Building your skills and experience
Summer internships and placement years are common in this sector and applications for these open in the autumn/winter of your second year. Graduate schemes are also common in this sector and students who have impressed during summer internships or placement years may be invited back as a graduate.
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Product Design include attention to detail, critical judgement, flexibility, independent thinking, problem solving and project management.
Social Work
Look at career areas that might fit with your Social Work degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Social Work.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Social Worker
- Supervising Social Worker
- Mental Health Administrator
- Family Support Worker
- Building your skills and experience
If you want to get into social work, think about taking a proactive approach. Contact charities, organisations and councils directly to enquire about work experience or workshadowing. Use the resources on our Social Work guide to search local organisations. Make speculative approaches.
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Social Work include thinking about ethical issues and dilemmas, flexibilty, qualitative data analysis, self-awareness, communication skills, critical evaluation and professional judgement.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Sociology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Sociology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Jobs include:
- Financial Planning Assistant
- Space and Events Executive
- Border Force Assistant Officer
- Policy Officer
- Social Researcher
- Youth Worker
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Sociology include analysis and interpretation, intellectual debate, interpersonal skills, problem solving, research, and self-management.
Look at career areas that might fit with your Zoology degree. Find out about the job roles available, the entry routes and how to gain experience using our sector guides.
Sectors associated with this degree include:
- environment
- food, drink and FMCG
- pharmaceuticals, biotechnoloy and health science
- alternative science careers
- energy and utilities
- medicine.
Take a look at website Prospects for more job options, career areas and further study options after a degree in Zoology.
- Jobs related to your degree
Students can go into roles including:
- zoos, wildlife parks or environmental protection agencies
- environmental and animal charities
- chemical and pharmaceutical companies
- Building your skills and experience
When writing your CV and covering letter for work experience, don't forget about the transferable skills you are developing on your course. Just a few skills you will get from Zoology include analysis and problem solving, independent thinking, laboratory skills, numerical and data analysis, verbal communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills.