Find out about events and activities that can help you build a sense of belonging while at Sussex.

About the programme

It’s normal for students to feel uncertain about how they will fit in at university. Belong at Sussex aims to support your involvement with university life and to build a sense of belonging through various year-round activities.

Who it's for

The programme welcomes all students, with many events open to all. Some of our activities throughout the year are also aimed at specific community groups including:

  • mature learners (aged over 21 when starting their undergraduate degree)
  • parents or carers for family members
  • disabled or neurodiverse
  • care-experienced
  • estranged from family
  • refugees (forced migrants)
  • from Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showman and Boater (GTRSB) communities
  • from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic backgrounds (BAME).

Get involved

Join the Belong at Sussex Canvas page to receive email notifications about our upcoming events. We have regular announcements and an up-to-date calendar.


Events are student-focused and co-created with students, hosted by students from various backgrounds. Some of our events that took place in the 2023/24 academic year included:

  • Disabled Students’ Information Fair
  • Mature Students’ Skills Day
  • Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Film Series
  • Standing with Estranged Students
  • Canine Cuddles
  • Belong in Nature outdoor activities
  • Family Fun Day for student families
  • Community cooking classes
  • Festive winter meal, activities and film screening
  • Collaborative ‘Welcome’ banner-making for Refugee Week.

View highlights from our previous Belong at Sussex events.

We also host the University of Sussex Transition Programme for new undergraduate students.

The 2024 programme will run on 30 and 31 August 2024, with a mixture of workshops, activities and talks, and the chance to talk to staff and students and get to know the University.

If you think you would benefit from attending this event please email

Promoting a sense of belonging

Check our top tips for promoting a sense of belonging for yourself and others during your time at Sussex.

  1. Feel a sense of community by logging points and working towards your Spirit of Sussex Award.
  2. Collaborate on shaping the university by being a Sussex Ambassador, joining the Connector Programme or having your say on important matters.
  3. Promote an Equal Sussex by becoming a Buddy or a Mentor (particularly if you identify as an under-represented student).
  4. Support the student community by taking the Consent Matters online course.
  5. Show that you won’t tolerate bullying, harassment and violence against others. Use our Report and Support tool if you or someone else has experienced these kinds of behaviour.
  6. Promote an accessible Sussex by joining Access Sussex or the Career Equity Project, and thinking about language and forms of communication with other students and staff.