Changes to covid-19 guidelines for studying on campus
Posted on behalf of: Student Communications
Last updated: Tuesday, 30 November 2021
The Government updated its covid-19 guidance over the weekend in response to cases of the Omicron variant. So we want to make sure you know what this means for you and your time on campus:
Face coverings
You must wear a face covering, such as a mask, in all shops on campus and on public transport.
We also continue to strongly advise that you should wear a face covering in:
- all teaching spaces - lectures, seminars, tutorials, labs, etc.
- indoor common areas, including corridors and study spaces
- when walking around the Library
Face coverings can significantly reduce the spread of coronavirus, including reducing transmission by people who have Covid-19 but don’t realise it.
Make sure you get tested
We strongly encourage all students on campus to continue taking two lateral flow tests a week to help minimise the spread of Covid-19 and protect everyone in our community.
If you are showing symptoms of Covid-19 you should isolate and take a PCR test immediately.
The Mobile Testing Unit (MTU) remains on campus, providing PCR testing to those with symptoms from 10am – 4pm. This is operated by Brighton and Hove City Council.
Self-isolating if you have been in contact with an Omicron case
If you've been in contact with an Omicron case, you must self-isolate for ten days, regardless of your vaccination status. You will be informed by NHS track and trace if that is the case.
If you're asked to self-isolate, you should not come to campus to study or attend classes.
We strongly encourage all our students, unless you're unable due to medical reasons, to take part in the vaccination programme against Covid-19.
If you haven't had your Covid-19 vaccine or you need your second dose, you can visit one of the walk-in clinics in town. Please also take advantage of the booster programme when called.
Travel from abroad
If you're travelling to the UK from abroad, you're also now required to get a PCR test and self-isolate until you get a negative test result. Please see the Government website for further updates.
Find out what to do if you need to self-isolate, including completing a symptom or self-isolation reporting form so we can arrange a support package for you.
Register for healthcare
If you haven't done so yet, you should register with a doctor in Brighton and Hove. The National Health Service (NHS) provides free healthcare for UK residents and some overseas visitors.
Check the Student Hub for information on how to register with a doctor and what free healthcare you're entitled to.
Check the Student Hub for the latest guidelines to keep our campus Covid-safe.
Thank you to those of you who through your behaviour - getting vaccinated, wearing face coverings and getting regular tests - have helped keep infection rates low at Sussex.