The online magazine to help you make the most of your time at Sussex.

24 March 2025

Spring has finally arrived! In this edition we share everything you need to "spring forward" and get the most out of this term. You can also enter our latest giveaway competition.


  • Have you lived at home while studying at Sussex? We want to share stories of what it's like to live at home while studying, and you will be paid for your time. If you are interested email with the subject “Commuter student”. Find out more.
  • Cycle to campus on Tuesday 1 April between 8.30 and 11am and get a free bowl of healthy breakfast! First come, first served - find out more.
  • Calling all artists! We are seeking someone to create a public artwork as part of our new West Slope development. Find out how to get involved.
  • The Sustainability Team is looking for two motivated second, third, or final-year undergraduates to join them for a six-week summer internship. Find out more and apply.

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Giveaway! Win a Sussex sports cap!

We are giving away four Sussex sports caps from the Students' Union shop!

To enter, all you need to do is answer one question about this edition of Experience Sussex! and provide your Sussex email address. Enter the competition via this form.

The deadline for entering is Friday 28 March. Read the Terms and Conditions of the competition.

Did you know?

In the UK the clocks "spring forward" one hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March, which is Sunday 30 March this year. The period when the clocks are one hour ahead is called British Summer Time (BST). Most phones and digital clocks will move forward automatically, but don't forget to change any analogue clocks or watches on Sunday!