Your studies: need exam and revision support?

Students working at library desks

Read on for some tips to help you develop revision resolutions and feel confident in assessments. You’ve also got the option of face-to-face support in the Careers and Employability Centre – details below.

Create a revision timetable

You can avoid procrastination and wasting time by making a digital or paper revision plan. Use the Skills Hub guidance on using revision time effectively to work out a schedule that suits you.

Aim to revise for short 45-minute sessions followed by a 15-minute break, and don’t forget to include something you enjoy in your schedule.

Building in time for mindful activities can also help. The Careers and Employability Centre seminar room has jigsaws and colouring sheets to help you combat stress, plus printed timetables and freebies from the Library.

Use active revision strategies

Active revision techniques involve you using and organising materials to help you learn, rather than simply reading or note-taking. You could try using memory techniques, creating mind maps or listening to audio recordings of your own notes. And, if you have time in your new revision schedule, why not listen to our Revision and Exams webinar?

Get a head start with practice papers

Using past exam papers will give you a better idea of what to expect in the exam. Try testing yourself under exam conditions and then reviewing your answers.

Remember that exam papers will be different every year, so always read the questions carefully.

Do what works for you

Everyone revises differently. Consider what works for you and how you are going to manage your time. You may prefer revising in a group or on your own.

Whatever plan you choose, finding a routine can help reduce stress. As well as your revision schedule, thinking about an exam preparation checklist will enable you to walk into the exam feeling calm and ready to do your best.

Support is available

Throughout the assessment period up to Friday 17 January, drop in to the Careers and Employability Centre (Library ground floor) to find more support around exams and revision. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or worried and you need a hand, or if you just need a quiet space and a chat, pop in and see us, we are here to help you.

You can find more resources on Skills Hub.

See more from 13 January 2020