The Spirit of Sussex Award: what’s it all about?

Graphic with text saying find your spirit

The Spirit of Sussex Award is an exciting award programme designed to recognise and celebrate your commitment to the things you do outside your course. The award is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at Sussex and BSMS and makes it easy and fun for you to get involved and make the most of university life.

You have the length of your degree programme to undertake different activities towards the award, such as part-time work, sports or volunteering. You can then log activities on the brand-new award platform and gain points towards either a Bronze, Silver or Gold Spirit of Sussex award. You will be awarded an additional certificate at graduation and your award will appear on your transcript.

Participating in the award will not only look great on your CV, but will help you to make friends, build skills and find your community here at Sussex.

You can find out more by visiting the award pages and by following the Spirit of Sussex Award on Instagram. Make sure to register for the award on the online platform from Monday 28 September!

See more from 21 September 2020