Your future: make the most of Make it Happen

Drawing of a question mark on paper

Whatever stage you’re at in your career planning, hearing from someone who has been in the same position can be the inspiration you need to take your next step – whether you’re applying for graduate schemes, jobs or further study, or you’re not sure yet. That’s why Make it Happen was created.

Taking place online throughout March 2021, Make it Happen is a series of events featuring panels of alumni speakers working in a variety of sectors and backgrounds. From graduates at the beginning of their journeys, to CEOs and Directors who have worked their way to the top, speakers will be sharing their experiences and giving valuable insights into working in their industry.

Events will feature speakers from the UK and overseas, working in organisations including Unicef, BBC, Morgan Stanley, UK Government and Save the Children.

Panels confirmed so far include:

You can view details now on the Career Hub listings.

Online and interactive

Panel events will take place on Zoom and include a discussion and Q&A, followed by opportunities to network with speakers and other attendees in breakouts rooms.

Continuing the conversation

Speakers and participants are all encouraged to sign up to Sussex Connect, the University’s eMentoring and networking platform, so you can get in touch and even continue conversations after the event.

Additional Make it Happen events will be taking place across the term. Please check the Make it Happen pages, Sussex Connect, and the Careers Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Image via Unsplash

See more from 8 February 2021