This webpage sets out the terms and conditions which apply to all advice work carried out by the International Advice team on behalf of students. This can also be referred to as a Client Care letter. By using our services, you accept these conditions.

Working with the International Advice team

The International Advice team provides advice in good faith, based on the information you give us about your current situation.

We endeavour to ensure our advice is accurate, however, immigration regulations and procedures are subject to change, often at short notice.

We cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions, consequences arising from the use of our advice or decisions made by the Home Office or other agencies regarding immigration applications.

Our services are provided free of charge, however, any costs associated with a visa application or refusal must be met by you. Furthermore, if we direct you to an external organisation because your query is beyond our service scope, this external organisation may charge you for their services.

Who do we give advice to?

We offer confidential, impartial immigration advice to:

  • University of Sussex offer holders, and, if applicable, their dependents
  • Current University of Sussex students, and, if applicable, their dependents
  • University of Sussex graduates, transitioning to the Graduate Route, and, if applicable, their dependants.

What do we give advice about?

We can provide personalised advice about:

  • Applications, requirements, and conditions of Sussex-sponsored Student Visas (and their dependants, if applicable). We can also provide advice following refusals and regarding administrative reviews in relation to this route, where applicable
  • Applications, requirements and conditions of the Standard Visitor Visa Route as it relates to study at Sussex
  • Applications, requirements. and conditions of Graduate Route Visas (and their dependants, if applicable) in relation to current Sussex students.

We cannot provide personalised advice about:

  • Application requirements and conditions of any other UK Visa Routes not listed above
  • Settlement in the UK
  • Applications for non-UK visas (e.g. Schengen visas)
  • Applying for Asylum in the UK

How to contact our International Advice team

Find out how to contact our International Advisors, which will vary depending on whether you haven't started studying yet, you're a current student or you've already graduated.

Who regulates us?

The University of Sussex is permitted to offer immigration advice and services under the regulation of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC).

The OISC provides a Code of Standards and Rules, which set sets the standards with which immigration professionals must comply. All Student Immigration Advisers operate in accordance with this code, as well as within the UKCISA/AISA code of ethics for those advising international students. The OISC may carry out inspections of the service and examine client files.

The University is a member of the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) and Association for International Student Advisers (AISA). Only designated members of the International Advice team are authorised to give immigration advice at the University of Sussex.

Conflicts of interest

The role of the International Advisor is to provide immigration advice and also to protect the University’s sponsorship license. This means that there may be instances where there is a real or potential conflict of interest.

An example of this would be: A Student visa holder asks an International Advisor for visa guidance, and at the same time discloses that they have been working over 20 hours a week during term time. In this scenario, a Student visa holder whose Biometric Residence Permit states a 20-hour working limit during term time would be in breach of their visa conditions. The conflict of interest occurs when the International Advisor tries to help the student with the visa application but at the same time knows that they are breaching their visa conditions. In this scenario, as the student disclosed this information, the International Advice team have a duty to report the suspected breach to the UKVI University Compliance team.

Advisors are required to explain fully and clearly to you any circumstances in which they might have personal interest or advantage in acting for you, and it may be necessary in these cases to refer your case elsewhere.

The International Advice team will explain if there is a real or potential conflict of interest, and you will be given sufficient time to consider whether you wish to seek external immigration advice.

Record keeping, data protection and confidentiality

All advice is confidential, and we will process your personal data in line with the University’s Data Protection Policy. However, we are obliged to notify UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) about certain issues under the terms of the sponsor license the University operates under, including reporting breaches of Student visa conditions. You can find further information on what this means here: Visas and immigration - confidentiality.

We may need to contact your academic department, or other non-academic departments such as Student Visa Progress or Student Accounts, to assist you with your enquiry. In this circumstance, any information regarding your immigration query will be limited to a need-to-know basis.

The University cannot and will not discuss the circumstances of your case with anyone else, including parents, friends and agents, unless it has your explicit permission in writing to do so. If you have submitted a request to give the University permission to share information about your study with an agent or a financial sponsor, this will be limited to University processes and procedures such as issuing an offer or arranging a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number.

The only exceptions to the above are:

  • Where you have given your explicit consent to disclose information or data to an individual or organisation
  • If you or others are in immediate physical danger
  • If the provision of such information is required by law
  • If the provision of such information is required in order to meet the University's compliance obligations to Immigration Authorities or the Police in relation to the UK immigration system, the University's obligations as a licensed Student Sponsor, or as part of an Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner inspection.

In some of the above circumstances we would encourage you to pass on the information yourself and would obtain your consent if possible.

The International Advice team may decide it is in your best interests to contact an organisation, such as the Home Office or the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA), for further advice or guidance about your case - wherever possible we will advise you if we intend to do this. However, on occasion, this may not be practical and we would generally assume that by contacting us, you are giving your consent for us to resolve your queries in the best way we can. Our Privacy Notice gives more information.

Discrimination and respect

We are committed to providing an equal service to all clients without prejudice or bias.

International Advisors will not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, age, nationality, faith, sexual orientation, physical ability or any other irrelevant consideration.

We also expect respect from our clients and will not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour. If this occurs, we reserve the right to withdraw from a case.

Referrals and withdrawals

An International Advisor must not advise a client if this requires them to act beyond their authorisation and level of competency.

If we find ourselves in this position then we will inform you of this immediately in writing, giving the reasons why we are unable to continue.

Where possible, we will refer you to appropriately qualified legal professionals.

Comments and suggestions

We welcome your feedback on the service you receive from us and suggestions for how we might improve and develop the service we provide.

How to make a complaint

We are committed to providing a high quality service to all. However, if you feel that you have not received an appropriate standard of service you can raise your concerns with the team or follow the University’s complaints procedure.

If your complaint is specific to a piece of immigration advice you have been given, you can make a complaint to the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC) whether or not you have made a complaint to the University.

Further advice and information

UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)

UKCISA is a national organisation, which gives advice to international students studying in the UK. They offer a free student advice line.
Tel: +44 (0)207 788 9214 (Mon - Fri 1:00pm - 4:00pm)

Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA)

Legal professionals who specialise in immigration law are often members of this association. You can search their database for a local solicitor who specialises in the area for which you require assistance. Remember to check the fee a solicitor will charge you before you book a consultation. 

These Terms and Conditions were last updated on 22 October 2024.

See more from Visas and immigration