17 out of 20 Sussex students net graduate-level jobs
Posted on behalf of: University of Sussex
Last updated: Wednesday, 29 April 2015

The proportion of University of Sussex students who work in graduate-level jobs or study within six months of finishing their degree has soared to 85 per cent, according to new data.
The figures, for the class of 2014, represent an increase of 10 percentage points since last year (75 per cent) and are nearly two-thirds higher than two years ago, when 54 per cent were in graduate-level jobs.
The latest data comes from Sussex’s contribution to the annual Destination of Leavers of Higher Education (DLHE) survey, which all universities are required to carry out on behalf of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
The survey shows improvement across all subjects at Sussex, as well as increasing numbers of Sussex students progressing to further study, up from 484 (2013 graduates) to 531 (2014 graduates).
The national results of the 2013-14 DLHE survey will be published by HESA in June.
Professor Clare Mackie, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), says that careers and employability is now a key part of the Sussex experience.
She says: “We are currently fourth in the UK for the employability of our graduates and these new figures are the result of continued hard work by staff and students across the University.
“We’ve shown that students don’t have to choose between an intellectually stimulating degree and a good job - at Sussex you can have both.
“Graduates from Sussex enter the jobs market with more than just a qualification. More and more of our students spend time studying abroad, on placement with employers, undertaking summer paid internships or as volunteers in Brighton, broadening their skills and experience.
“Those graduating this year will have lots of support as we work with them to match the achievements of the graduates of 2014. Our careers guidance for graduates does not end when they are awarded their degree.”
The University offers continued support for Sussex graduates seeking employment: the Careers and Employability Centre advertises more than 3,000 graduate jobs and runs lots of careers and skills events.
The University also offers paid internships for graduates, as well as scholarships for Sussex graduates with good honours degrees who are seeking to extend their education further.
Professor Mackie added: “Thank you to all staff involved in supporting such good graduate destinations and to students for their hard work and achievement.”