Your skills: create content and earn money as a Digital Media Guru

Do you blog or vlog? Take photos or design graphics? Love social media?

If you’re interested in developing your skills, apply to become one of the University’s Digital Media Gurus. You’ll get paid to create social media content and help run our channels. There are opportunities to blog, vlog, make videos or create Instagram stories.

It’s a casual paid role (£9.15 per hour) with flexible hours so you can earn extra money while you study. You’ll also get a paid internship working with our Digital and Creative Media team. There will be training provided and access to equipment – and you’ll gain fantastic experience to put on your CV.

Want to apply?

To show us your passion and flair for social and digital media, we want you to get creative. You’ll need to create a one-minute video detailing some aspect of your Sussex experience. The only rule is that you need to feature yourself at some point during the video.

You’ll also need to send in a short paragraph about yourself. Please visit the Digital Media Gurus page for submission guidance.

The deadline for applications is 4pm on Monday 14 October.

See more from 23 September 2019