Find out how to tell us if you, or someone you know has been assaulted, abused or targeted and you would like support or advice.

Tell us about an incident and get support 

If you or someone else has experienced sexual violence or misconduct, bullying, harassment, a hate incident, domestic abuse, discrimination, stalking or spiking, you can let us know using Report and Support – the Universitys online tool for recording and responding to these behaviours.

Important: If you need emergency help, whether you are on or off campus, call 999 for emergency services (police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coast guard). Find out more about getting emergency help.

Why you should tell us

We are committed to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful environment for every member of our community. We want to know what is happening in our community, so we can best support you and direct resources where they are needed.

If you disclose an incident through Report and Support and provide your name and contact details, one of our advisors can talk you through options for support and/or further action.

If you dont want to give us your name, you can make an anonymous disclosure, so that we are aware of your experience, but we wont be able to respond, offer support or take action. Do tell us anonymously (if you are sure you don’t want to be contacted) as it is important we know what is happening in our community.

If you dont want to tell us about an incident but still need support

If you dont want to tell us about something that has happened to you but would like help, you can still access Report and Support. You can find information about unwanted experiences and be able to access University and external support services. 

What you can tell us about

You can tell us if you have experienced any of the below. Youll also find information about where to get help and support.

See more from Getting help
